Healthy Loddon Campaspe, Macedon Ranges Shire Council and Sunbury Cobaw Community Health are teaming up to help local residents grow veg on their verge!
Why get involved?
🌱 It's a simple way to learn how to grow your own veggies. And you can get everyone in the household involved!
🌱 You can literally grow right on your doorstep... well, your nature strip anyway!
🌱 It's a great way to connect with your neighbours and local community.
🌱 Growing your own veggies is great for your health and your wallet!
What's in it for you?
🌱 FREE equipment including vouchers for gardening tools, plants and seeds.
🌱 Step-by-step assistance about what to grow and how.
🌱 lnformation and resources including recipes using your homegrown produce.
🌱 That feeling of satisfaction you get from growing your own veggies!
How to get involved
For more information contact visit, or email [email protected].
🌿 Note: There are limited places available to join in Veg on the Verge, so get in quickly! Eligibility criteria apply. 🌿