Walk This Way project in Loddon Shire

The Walk This Way project aims to increase incidental and affordable physical activity in Inglewood and Pyramid Hill in Loddon Shire.

The project includes:

  • A series of fun footpath stickers to encourage children and adults alike to be active in Inglewood and Pyramid Hill;
  • The installation of seating along walking paths in Inglewood and Pyramid Hill; and
  • The development of a new mapped walking loop in Inglewood township.

Fun footpath stickers have been installed in front of schools and kinders in Inglewood and Pyramid Hill to encourage local children to get involved in activities such as hopscotch, jump from square to square, and balance along the line to increase their incidental activity whilst out and about.

New accessible seating has also been installed along footpaths in both towns to provide rest stops for residents whilst they’re walking, supporting locals of all abilities and fitness levels to be more active, more often.

The project also includes the creation of a mapped walking loop around Inglewood township. Healthy Loddon Campaspe and Loddon Shire worked together with Victoria Walks to develop the most appropriate and accessible walking loop, taking into account footpath access, road crossings and traffic.

The mapped walking route in Inglewood incorporates the community garden at Inglewood and Districts Health Service, as well as highlights rest stops, free drinking water locations, and points of interest, to also support the community to be physically active in the town.

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